Saturday, February 7, 2009

Hobby interest revisited


Some years ago, in my teens, I dabbled with knitting. For whatever reason, can't really put my finger on it after so many years, my hobby of knitting got put aside, and then forgotten.

And, just as it was so easily dismissed from being one of my many activities way back when, so it is that it's back with me again and I am enjoying it!

I'm doubly blessed this time to see such a big interest of this with other guys. YEAH! :)

I'm glad to be back into it ~ and glad to have found an environment to be a part of on the net. This is GREAT!

My projects with knitting are few right now. I started a Men's Muffler in January and I'm about a third of the way into it. I got the pattern from a beginner's knitting book from Wal-Mart. I'm using 100% cotton yarn, chocolate color. Pictures are forthcoming. I'm having a little problem getting them uploaded to the computer from my camera. But I promise, they're on the way!

I hope to meet a lot of fellow enthusiasts and make some friends to share ideas with.
Till next time.....
